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Welcome to my Team!

I LOVE doTERRA But dang that income plan is complicated!

doTERRA’s compensation plan is designed to provide the fairest and equitable distribution of income among its members. In doing so, they have sacrificed simplicity. I created this blog to bring order out of chaos. Here you will find all of the nitty-gritty details. The things you really need to know in plain English, so that you can make the right decision for yourself without having to sift through tons of information.


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Join My Team

How to Enroll Ready to Join doTERRA? It's super easy!  Follow these step-by-step instructions.  Step 1:  Click on this link –  doTERRA Wholesale Enrollment  ( By using this link you are becoming a member of my enchanted team. ) Step 2a:  Select your Language & Country of Residence Step 2b:  Make sure that the option “ Wholesale Prices ” is selected.  This membership will give you the deepest discount (25% on all products) but will NOT obligate you in any way to sell or buy. (Select "doTERRA Wellness Advocate" if you want to build your own doTerra Team). S tep 3:  Fill out the top of the application with your personal information…address, birthday, etc… Step 4:  Enter your password for your Virtual Office. This is where you will be able to place future orders and track past orders. Step 5:  Read Terms and Conditions and Check Box Step 7:  Select how you want to enroll. Most people choose an enrollment kit because they give you a good foundation, they are pric